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现阶段在我们的生活中充斥着各种平台,谷歌, 推特, 亚马逊, Spotify, Bytedance 等;我们依赖于他们在美食、兴趣爱好、动物、游戏等方面的个性化服务。甚至是当我点开这些平台,他们可以更具大数据预测我的喜好:Netflix 建议观看下一部电影,亚马逊购买下一部吸尘器,Twitter 根据您的身份对您的源进行排序,并投放广告点击;淘宝按照你之前购买商品的类型推荐你继续购买.....

这就导致了什么问题?作为用户我们的数据只是局限在独立的平台上,数据孤岛限制了我们对于数据的使用:我们无法从 Soundcloud 和 Youtube 自动导出您的播放列表, 在 Spotify 注册, 并立即获得符合您口味的个性化建议。我们的个人信息在他们的数据库中,这限制了推荐系统的进步 —— 整合冷启动问题,将算法过度拟合于特定数据集。


1、用户无法控制他们看到的内容。他们投入几个小时的工作, 建立一个社交图表, 喜欢, 评级, 转推和标记数据。



Kontext 用户策划的 Web,实现更好的个性化


Kontext 旨在解决分散式内容过滤、审核和发现问题。这是一个书签管理器 允许保存任何像在 Twitter 上, 电影评级在 IMDB, 餐厅评级在谷歌地图上或任何其他网址通过我们扩展名——安全地存储在 Filecoin上。


1. Filecoin存档服务(例如Deplatformr)

2. chrome书签扩展,为分散式数据库提供数据,并标准化社交媒体数据的格式以在一个feed中显示所有帖子。我们标准化了对这些数据的访问控制,以将全部控制权交还给内容创建者。


Kontext 卓越的内容发现

通过以上的研究,笔者追溯到Kontext 项目所在Discord,联系到Kontext 项目负责人,并进行系列沟通,以下为主要内容:

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: May I ask what is the original intention of working on the Kontext project?

IPFSNEWS Sue:请问致力于kontext这个项目的初心是什么?

ChrisCyphert: Let me give an example in China, everyone uses WeChat, for example, you can use youWeChatB1 account to log in Douban. You can see what movies your friends like. In Western countries, we don't use WeChat.

But we use a lot of different apps. So if I log on to Netflix (or IMDb), I won't be able to watch my friends' favorite movies; Because some of my friends use WeChat, some use WhatsApp, some just use Instagram, Facebook, Google, Reddit...In short, we want them to be more personal.



星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: Since we've been following IPFS, we learned from their blog that the kontext was funded by them,Can you give me a brief overview of your relationship with Filecoin?Is it a Filecoin incubated project or is it just financial support?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:因为我们一直在关注IPFS,我们从他们的博客中了解到kontext是由他们资助的,您能简要介绍一下您与Filecoin的关系吗?它是一个Filecoin孵化的项目还是仅仅是资金支持?

ChrisCyphert: Our team is independent from Filecoin. And we got a development grant by Filecoin, to build our MVP. We use Filecoin to store identity data. This way, we aim to bring many users to Filecoin.


星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: How many code engineers are there in this project?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:这个项目有多少代码工程师?

ChrisCyphert: 2,Me and my friend


星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: Could you please help me to introduce the stage of this project?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:你能帮我介绍一下这个项目目前发展的阶段吗?

ChrisCyphert: We built a prototype :

And now we are waiting for to release a stable version。Then we will launch our app to the public.



星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: What time is it expected to be?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:那预计什么时间?

ChrisCyphert: Ceramic is planned to go live end of January

ChrisCyphert:Ceramic 计划在一月底上线。

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: Great~So could you tell me ,what are the biggest challenges from the project to the present?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:太好了~你能告诉我,从这个项目到现在最大的挑战是什么吗?

ChrisCyphert: Filecoin and Ceramic are both still early in development. So building an app on this infrastructure is hard.Everyday, there are some new bugs .But also, we see that these teams are working everyday, to fix those bugs.So we think, there will be a lot more dApps building on Filecoin and Ceramic in 2021.


星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: Yes,we will  give them enough patience.As far as I know this project is strongly algorithm-based and generally costs a lot of money, isn't it?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:是的,我们会给他们足够的耐心。据我所知,这个项目是基于算法的,通常会花费很多钱,不是吗?

ChrisCyphert: There are three steps:

1. Import data into self-sovereign Filecoin+Ceramic storage. For example download douban, imdb & netflix movie ratings.

2. Analyze the data

3. Export the recommendation.

Step (2) right now, is just one very simple service.But in the future, it should become an open marketplace for recommender services.This might get expensive, yes .The user will be able to choose from different services. And different services might have different cost.

这是三个步骤 1.用户下载自己的数据,例如下载豆瓣,imdb和netflix的电影评级 2.用户共享他的数据。他可以直接与其他用户共享。或者,他可以与“推荐服务”服务共享 3.服务可以分析数据。并显示“喜欢的电影”,“淘宝上的推荐商品”,“推荐餐厅”, 等等。


星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: So, do you participate in other funding programs?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:你还参加过其他资助项目吗?

ChrisCyphert: No. So far, we are self-funded.We do have this gitcoin grant though, if you want to contribute.




星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: Yesterday you said "Right now, there is not any media about us “ I wonder if you will consider doing media promotion in China?

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:昨天你说“现在没有媒体报道我们”,我想知道你是否会考虑在中国做媒体推广?

ChrisCyphert: Yes. After we release our app, we will aim to get a lot of users and feedback. It would be nice to get Chinese users.And if we will look for funding in the future, we will of course work with Chinese media .Also because there are many Filecoin users in China



星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue: You're right.We are a media based on IPFS&Filecoin and have been working on promising IPFS&Filecoin projects.We hope to keep touch with you.

星际视界IPFSNEWS Sue:我们是一家基于IPFS&Filecoin的媒体,一直致力于IPFS&Filecoin项目。我们希望和你保持联系。

ChrisCyphert: Yes, I am very happy you joined our Discord .I hope we can see the rise of many Filecoin dApps together.

ChrisCyphert:是的,我很高兴你加入我们的Discord。我希望我们可以一起看到很多Filecoin dApps的崛起。

Kontext 未来值得期待

通过Kontext 将其身份从集中式数据孤岛导出到自主权数据存储中,这不仅整理他们的身份数据,与朋友分享,验证彼此的身份,最终将随时随地接收个性化内容。


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