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Holo's fuel -- HOT token
Payments are made to the host using a HOT cryptocurrency called Holofuel, which is designed to perform a large number of micropayments. Custodial credits remain stable in value because they are backed up by a precious modern resource: computing power. As more hosts come online and share computing power, the value of the network increases, giving HOT more purchasing power over the services it is supposed to support. Both parties sign them in their chain, and transactions are checked by the partners on a common DHT (abbreviated abbreviated list). Holo can host what Airbnb does in hotels -- anyone can become a host by turning their computer into a source of income and earning HoloFuel (HOT) for hosting distributed applications. Holo software runs in the background, allocating backup memory and processing power to HApps on older networks. Hosts choose hApps servers, set their own hosting prices and manage their own priorities. Holo moves hosting of social networking applications from centralized servers to decentralized centers. Every system has to contend with loads. In most cases, computers do not use all their computing power. The excess unused power allows Holo to absorb light. Holo allows hosts to turn consumer microcomputers into a source of revenue in which they can host hosted distributed applications. The host selects the application to host and sets its own hosting price and priority. Today, some of the most popular applications have been created in a way that requires Holo. Using Holo means Wikipedia no longer needs to raise money, while social networking applications such as Twitter and Facebook won't have to fight for a revenue model, while forcing advertising to finance a massive infrastructure. The more popular an application becomes, the more hosting capacity it will gain from new users who install the application and share the load.